PDFCat v1.5 from Rijdat Software


What is PDFCat for ?

Thank you for downloading PDFCat. This is a simple utility which helps you keep track of your library of PDF documents. Select a folder for PDFCat and it will give you the details of all the PDF files in that folder and any sub-folders. PDF files contain some or all of the following:

Creation Date
Modification Date

You can edit this information for files which are not password protected, to give them more useful information, and you can save the whole list to an index file or in one of three database formats (choice of CSV, ASCII text or DBF formats).

Getting Started

Using PDFCat is simple. Once you have UnStuffed the package you will find a folder called PDFCat which contains the application and this Read Me file. Just double-click on PDFCat to start it up. If you have registered with Rijdat Software press the 'Register' button and type in your registration code.

Now click on the 'Scan' button and select the folder containing your PDF files. PDFCat will search this and all folders within it. You can even just select your hard disk and create a catalogue of every single PDF file you have - although this may take some time.

PDFCat scans the selected folder(s), finding all the PDF files. Then it searches the files for indexing information and displays this in a new window. You can sort the information by any of the heading by just clicking on that heading. You can see further information about a file by clicking on the triangle beside the file name.

The titles of PDF documents which are password protected appear in italics. N.B. The other information for these files may be encoded.

If you double-click on a file, a new window will open with the full file information. If the PDF file is not protected by a pasword you can change this information - for instance, to add keyword information to a document. You cannot alter the creation and modification dates of a document. You can click on the 'Open' button to open the selected document with your copy of Adobe Reader.

If you hold down 'Shift' while double-clicking on a file in the listings window, the file will be opened in Reader.

Using the 'Save Listing' button will let you save a complete listing of all the file information which PDFCat has found. You can choose between plain text listing or a format ready to be used by your favourite database or spreadsheet application (choice of CSV, ASCII text or DBF formats). Just open the file you have saved from your database or spreadsheet application.


1. PDFCat cannot read the information in some encoded versions of PDF.

2. Some PDF files are 'Linearized' - organised in a special way to make them fast to load up. You can update the information items in these files but Acrobat Reader will suggest that the files are damaged when you open them. This is perfectly normal.

How do I get help ?

Read this document carefully. Send enquiries to support@rijdatsoft.co.uk.

How do I register ?

Until you register PDFCat will only index 10 files at a time, when you have registered you can deal with upto 2000 files at a time.

If you want to use PDFCat to the full please send £20/$30/€35 to Rijdat Software - e-mail us at register@rijdatsoft.co.uk for details or you can pay on-line (but only in US$) at Kagi.com. You will be e-mailed a registration code which you can type in after clicking on the 'Register' button.

PDFCat uses Aaron Bratcher's dbfClass to export data in DBF format.

Disclaimer: You use this software at your own risk. Rijdat Software do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused by using this software.

© Rijdat Software - February 2004